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One Health Group reports strong stats in its latest Quality Accounts Report

Yorkshire-headquartered One Health Group – one of the UK’s leading independent providers of surgical services to the NHS – has reported a strong set of statists in its annual Quality Accounts Report, including that 98% of patients believed the overall quality of care provided to them was ‘Good to Excellent’.

A Quality Account is a report about the quality of services offered by an NHS healthcare provider. The reports are published annually by each provider, including the independent sector, and are available to the public. Quality Accounts are an important way for local NHS services to report on quality and show improvements in the services they deliver to local communities and stakeholders.

The quality of the services is measured by looking at patient safety, the effectiveness of treatments patients receive, and patient feedback about the care provided. The Department of Health and Social Care requires providers to submit their final Quality Account to the Secretary of State by June 30 each year.

The number of patients treated by One Health Group rose by 11.5% from 11,884 to 13,255 in 2023/2024 compared to the previous 12 months. The majority of procedures (Gynaecology, Foot and Ankle, Hip, Hand & Wrist, Knee, and Shoulder & Elbow) had average waiting times of just four weeks; for Spine procedures it was five weeks; and for General Surgery it was three weeks. The total number of procedures was 6,174. Out of those, only 0.2% resulted in a hospital readmission.

When asked how likely they would be to recommend OHG’s services to friends and family, 86%

of patients stated they would be ‘Extremely Likely’ which was up from 78% in 2022/2023.

Other questions included in the Patient Satisfaction Survey section of the report included that 99% of patients had a ‘Good to Excellent’ overall impression of their consultant; 98% believed the quality of care they received was also ‘Good to Excellent’, and 99% felt their privacy and confidentiality was respected. When asked about the responsiveness to their personal needs, 98% of patients were satisfied – a year-on-year increase of 6%.

Adam Binns, CEO of One Health Group, said:

“One Health is proud to have provided innovative, high-quality care for NHS patients - free at the point of delivery - for 20 years, so the data from our latest Quality Accounts Report is testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. As an organisation, we put patient wellbeing and satisfaction at the very heart of everything we do, alongside collaborating with the NHS to tackle the huge post pandemic waiting lists they are having to deal with.”

He added:

In 2023/2024, we have significantly widened our support of the NHS both locally and further afield, helping to address the record number of NHS patients currently waiting for care. We consider ourselves to be a key part of the solution by helping to create sustainable, transformational and high-quality services for NHS patients.”

Adam concluded:

Moving forward, our focus will be aligned with multiple NHS promotional media campaigns to ensure as many NHS patients as possible are made aware of their statutory right to choose One Health as their provider of care.”

Whether you're a patient or healthcare professional, if you have any questions about One Health Group, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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One Health Group utilises specialist consultants and healthcare managers working together to provide the best possible diagnosis and treatment for our patients.