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The shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the body. You use this ball and socket joint for throwing and catching, bowling and swinging — and with such vigorous use, it’s no wonder that many people develop shoulder problems. One survey found that shoulder pain affects 18-26% of adults in their lifetime. With such a large and well-used joint, it comes as no surprise it can be prone to injury. Physiotherapy can help some injuries. Others may require surgery.

At a glance

  • Typical hospital:
  • Type of anaesthetic:
  • Procedure duration:


Shoulder pain is a common cause of musculoskeletal consultations. The shoulder is a complex ball-and-socket joint used for throwing, catching, and swinging. It gets lots of use and is, therefore, prone to injury.

There can be many reasons for shoulder pain. Pain may be due to an injury, overuse, inflammation or a degenerative disease. With so many components involved in the shoulder, it could be down to muscles, ligaments, tendons, fluid, cartilage or the joint itself.  A problem in the neck or acromioclavicular joint may also cause pain in the shoulder. 

A specialist will be able to perform a thorough assessment of the shoulder and advise what is causing your pain. 

Whether you’re in chronic pain, injured, or suffering from a degenerative joint disease, our dedicated healthcare team will help you return to your normal activities.

Anatomy of the shoulder

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint, or in medical terms, the glenohumeral joint. It consists of five joints and three bones: the clavicle (collar bone), scapula (shoulder blade) and humerus (upper arm). A fluid-filled capsule encases the joint to help prevent friction. 

Soft tissue, and a group of muscles called the rotator cuff, surrounds the joint. This structure keeps the shoulder stable and strong, whilst remaining flexible. 

The shoulder works with the pectoral girdle to allow for a wide range of motion. A healthy shoulder should be able to move through all possible movements without pain.

The shoulder is capable of:

  • Flexion 
  • Extension 
  • Abduction
  • Adduction
  • External/lateral rotation
  • Internal/medial rotation
  • Circumduction

Common conditions

Common shoulder conditions include frozen shoulder, arthritis, tendonitis, impingement, bursitis, fracture, and ruptured tendons. Shoulder conditions can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as stiffness, pain, tingling and numbness. Some conditions require rest and physiotherapy, while others require surgery.

A healthcare professional may use X-rays, physical exams, MRIs, CT scans, blood testing, and ultrasounds to diagnose the cause of your shoulder pain. This diagnosis will inform the cause of treatment. Physiotherapy is a good early intervention to help shoulder pain. A Physiotherapist will be able to prescribe exercises and perform manual therapies. Injections to help ease pain and inflammation could be an option too. 

If physiotherapy doesn’t help shoulder pain, then surgery may be necessary. Of course, this will depend on the condition. 

Common shoulder injuries

  • Dislocation
  • Separation
  • Fracture
  • Cartilage tear
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Frozen shoulder 
  • Impingement 
  • Bursitis
  • Arthritis 

Popular treatments

You can choose to have your NHS treatment carried out by One Health at no cost to you. We offer a range of shoulder treatments to reduce pain and improve movement in the joint.

  • SLAP repair to restore stability and normal joint mechanics
  • Subacromial decompression to release a tendon
  • Shoulder replacement following an accident or degenerative disease
  • Shoulder stabilisation surgery to restore the stability of the shoulder joint
  • Rotator cuff repair to fix tears in the muscle or tendon


Before your surgery, you must arrange for someone to drop you off and pick you up from the hospital. You may need someone to stay with you after the operation to help you with daily tasks.

You will have a pre-operative assessment appointment. During this appointment, you can ask questions about the surgery and recovery and share details on the medication you are taking or if you’re pregnant.

If your doctor has told you not to eat before the surgery, you must not eat for eight hours before your appointment. Check with your doctor if you can drink water.

For surgical shoulder treatments, you should remove jewellery, makeup, and nail polish. You may also shower or bathe before your surgery.

Risks and complications

Any surgery carries risks which can lead to complications. Your consultant will discuss specific risks with you.

Risks include:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • Bleeding
  • Infection. If the infection is deep in the shoulder, you may need surgery. Other infections respond to antibiotics
  • Nerve injury
  • Nausea from the anaesthetic
  • Numbness

If you smoke, ask for help quitting. Smoking can slow the healing process.

How to look after your shoulders

There are many ways you can take care of your shoulders to prevent injury and pain. 

  • Strengthen the muscles around the shoulder
  • Stretch
  • Warm up before exercise
  • Maintain good posture 

Recovering from Shoulder Treatments

You will start your recovery in the hospital. The nurses will distribute pain medication, and the physiotherapists will give you bespoke exercises to aid your recovery.

If you have a shoulder replacement, you will wear a sling for up to six weeks. You can take it off to do your prescribed exercises.

Recovery from shoulder treatments takes three to six months. However, you should be able to carry out daily activities after six weeks.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to arrange my own physiotherapy?

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How soon can I go home after my surgery?

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What activities are safe after surgery?

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When can I go back to work after surgery?

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When can I start driving after surgery?

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Will I need a follow-up after shoulder surgery?

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