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Could Sheffield be Britain's most active City?

July saw the staff at One Health Group participate in Move More Month, an activity challenge aimed at getting people in Sheffield active.

Move More wants Sheffield to become the most active City in the UK by 2020 and as a result see meaningful improvement in the health, wellbeing and quality of life of everybody living in the city.

The OHG Team competed against each other to see who could build up the most Move More points using the smartphone app.  The app recorded minutes of activity and steps taken throughout each day which were converted to points.

The office leaderboard was updated weekly as employees competed to win some great prizes aimed at encouraging a fun and healthy lifestyle.

Since winning first place and taking home a Nutribullet, Summer Intern, Victoria has been blending up a range of delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies which she enjoys drinking on the way to her morning gym session.

Receptionist, Michelle, stormed to second place building up steps running around after her three children and walking their Siberian Husky, Blade.

Senior Typist, Penny, achieved third place winning a luxury fruit basket.  Penny keeps fit through taking her 3 year old Springer Spaniel, Tilly, for walks in the local woods.

We are extremely proud of all our staff that took part and everyone involved increased their activity for the month and contributed towards Move More Sheffield’s goal making Sheffield Britain’s most active city!

Whether you're a patient or healthcare professional, if you have any questions about One Health Group, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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Bringing healthcare closer to where you live.

One Health Group utilises specialist consultants and healthcare managers working together to provide the best possible diagnosis and treatment for our patients.