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UpgradeWhen to consider a PIP joint replacement?When non-operative treatments have failed to control the pain and the pain is: Moderate to severe, Constant/ all the time, Affecting sleep, Stopping you from carrying out activities of daily living
When non-operative treatments have failed to control the pain and the pain is:
After having the operation you will be sent home in a cast for comfort and to protect the joint.
Within 1-2 weeks you will be seen by a member of the Hand Therapy Team and the dressings will be removed and a splint will be made to protect the joint replacement. Stitches will be removed at 10-12 days after your operation.
You will normally be advised by the Hand Therapist at this stage on some exercises to move your finger safely – it is important that early movement is achieved to prevent stiffness at the joint.
You can expect to be in a splint for up to 6 weeks after the operation. You may still need to wear some form of splint/ support for up to 12 weeks.
You will not be able to do any ‘heavy lifting/ strenuous activity’ for around 8-10 weeks after your operation.
You will require regular appointments with the Hand Therapist to ensure you regain function in your finger.
One Health waiting times from consultation to treatment are 3 - 7 weeks on average.
We have over 35 clinics across the UK with 100+ expert consultants, providing a wide range of treatments to help you get better.
One Health waiting times from consultation to treatment are 3 - 7 weeks on average.