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One Health Group PLC Complaints Procedure

This information is for people who wish to make a complaint about the service or treatment provided by the One Health Group PLC. It will tell you what to do before you make a complaint, who to go to if you would like to make a complaint and what will happen once you have complained.

This information is for people who wish to make a complaint about the service or treatment provided by the One Health Group. It will tell you what to do before you make a complaint, who to go to if you would like to make a complaint and what will happen once you have complained.

Please note that you have the right to make your complaint either to the One Health Group directly, or to the organisation that commissions the service from us, which will be your local NHS Trust Hospital or Integrated Care Board (ICB).

What should I do before I make a complaint?

Our clinical staff will explain your condition, treatment or clinical procedure clearly. You should always talk to your Consultant, Doctor, Nurse or other Health Professional about any concerns you may have about the treatment or service you have received.

What happens if I am still not satisfied?

If you feel that you have made every effort to try to resolve your concern directly with our clinical staff, but this has not been successful, please discuss this further with a member of our Patient Liaison Department. They may be able to arrange a second opinion for you or help you to come to a resolution. Failing this, you can request to escalate your concern to one of our Patient Liaison Department Managers. If following this you remain dissatisfied, you have the right to make a formal complaint.

Who can complain?

Anyone who is receiving or has received treatment or services from the One Health Group can complain. You can complain for yourself but if you complain for a friend, relative, or child, you must have their consent to represent them, which One Health will need to see evidence of before we are able to discuss their concern with you. You can get further advice regarding this from our Service Improvement Department.

When should I complain?

It is always best to make your complaint as soon as possible and not more than 12 months after the incident. This time limit may sometimes be waived if there is a genuine reason why you could not make a complaint sooner.

What does the One Health Group need to know about my complaint?

To make a formal complaint, you should contact us via telephone, email or in writing and give us as much information as possible about who, when, where and what the complaint is about. Don’t forget to include your full name, address, telephone number, date of birth and your NHS number, if you know it.

Wherever possible, you should give the name and/or the job title of any member of our staff involved in the complaint.

Please also indicate how you would like your complaint to be resolved and please state the outcome you hope for.

Who should I send my complaint letter to?

You can address your letter to our One Health Group ‘Service Improvement Department’ who will make sure your complaint is acknowledged and investigated:

Service Improvement Department

One Health Group

131 Psalter Lane


S11 8UX

Please make sure you enclose written consent if you are complaining on behalf of someone else.

You should also keep a copy of your letter.

What do I do if I do not want to write a letter?

You can email your complaint to or you can contact our Service Improvement Team on 0114 250 5510 and they can take the details of your complaint or arrange for an appropriate person to contact you to discuss your concerns.

When will I hear from you?

We will contact you in the first instance within three working days (from when One Health Group receive your complaint). The purpose of the initial contact is to acknowledge your complaint and advise you of how we plan to investigate the issues raised.

We will provide you with a full written response within 20 working days once we have been able to fully investigate the concerns raised in your complaint. If we require more time to complete our investigation, we will notify you of this within the 20 working day period.

What will you do about my complaint?

Our reply to you will show how we have listened to and investigated your concerns. This might mean giving an apology, explaining what changes and improvements we will make or detailing any further action proposed.

Can I take my complaint further?

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint (stage 1), you can ask for this to be escalated to ‘stage 2’ within 8 weeks of receiving our response, which will trigger an internal review of our initial complaint investigation by senior management to ensure this was appropriately handled and responded to. We will then respond with any further action we propose to be taken.

If after this, you still feel that your concerns have not been resolved, you have the right to escalate your complaint with your local Integrated Care Board (ICB) who commission the service, or raise this with the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for an independent review.

You should do this within six months of our final response to you.

Further information

For more information about making a complaint please speak to the Service Improvement Team on 0114 250 5510.

Alternatively, you can send an email to:

If you need independent advice or support about making your complaint you can contact:

  • The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

You can find your local PALS office online: Find patient advice and liaison services (PALS) - NHS (

  • Care Quality Commission (CQC)

You can call CQC on 03000 616 161 for advice or use the internet for alternative contact methods via their website: Contact us - Care Quality Commission (

  • NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS)

You can contact your local ICAS service for advice about how to complain by searching this online

  • Citizens Advice Bureau

Your local Citizens Advice Bureau can provide you with support if you want to complain about the NHS services we provide, local Citizens Advice Bureau details are listed on their website

  • Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

You can speak to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman by calling their complaints helpline on 0345 015 4033 or visiting their website:

Alternatively you can write to them at the below address:

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Millbank Tower




Version 6 – June 2023

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