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Sameer Gupta

Anaesthetist and Pain Management Consultant

Dr Gupta is a consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine/ Management. He was trained in India, Ireland and England. He completed his training in Sheffield and then went on to do advanced pain training at world-renowned Walton Centre in Liverpool. He was appointed to the post of consultant at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (Royal Hallamshire and Northern General Hospital). He is an honorary lecturer at the University of Sheffield.

At the pain clinic in Northern General Hospital, Dr Gupta worked within the MDT team and took the initiative to start specialised clinics, including one on neuropathic pain and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. He had a keen interest in Opioids management and published a review article in peer review journal. He completed a clinic-based audit pertaining to interventions which were unique at the time and published in peer-reviewed journal.

He now works in the independent sector and has his own clinic DRG Health Clinic for Pain Management and GP services in Doncaster. He is the chair and organiser for the South Yorkshire Pain Group. He continued to have an interest in teaching and lectures to GPs on safe use and prescription of opioids and pain Management. He examines medical students for OSCE examinations. He is an instructor for teaching surgical trainees how to identify and help sick surgical patients (CCRISP Course). He is an appraiser for secondary care consultants in the private sector.

Dr Gupta is a Chief Medical Officer for CL Medical Aid, Tier One Medco Company for small claims.

Qualifications & Fellowships

MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia),

FRCA (Anaesthesia)



Royal College of Anaesthetist

Faculty of Pain

British Pain Society

NHS Base

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