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Hina Ejaz

Consultant Gynaecologist

I completed the specialist training both in Pakistan and in UK and was awarded CCT from RCOG in 2021.

My areas of interest in Gynaecology are in benign gynaecology, menstrual disorder, menopause, contraceptive advice, hysteroscopies (diagnostic and operative), colposcopy and basic and intermediate laparoscopies.

I am a GMC approved clinical and educational supervisor and college tutor for trainees in Scunthorpe General Hospital. I am also undergraduate lead for Hull and York Medical school.

Qualifications & Fellowships

MBBS Quaid e- Azam University, Pakistan 2002


ATSM Advance Labour ward Practice 2016

ATSM Benign open and Laparoscopic surgery 2021

ATSM Hysteroscopy 2021

Colposcopy Accreditation 2021

Diploma in Medical Education from Cardiff University 2019.



NHS Base

Scunthorpe General Hospital

Bringing healthcare closer to where you live.

One Health Group utilises specialist consultants and healthcare managers working together to provide the best possible diagnosis and treatment for our patients.